One of the co-founders of it is Bill Mollison, I did a youtube search for him and found tons of stuff.
Some of the other videos I watched complemented the wikipedia article nicely.
Temperate Permaculture Strategies - Pt1
What is permaculture - 8 minutes permaculture, informative - 5 minutes
Hope you find permaculture as interesting as I do. These are forest garden systems that you can leave alone for multiple months in a row... fantastic stuff.
i will need to discuss this with you at greater length some time soon.
i got some prime real estate on my property to give this a serious shot i think....
hmmmm yiiiiiisss
Yes sire.
Lets really get proverbially "in there"
I watch some of those youtube clips to get real psyched.
If I could, my house would have been like this.... having to conform to market trends is a drag.
I'll try to send a book up with mike you can check out.
that would be gnar.
are you gonna be able to get up here at all this weekend?
i saw you got unh graduation on your gcal...
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